Friday, August 31, 2007


today was teacher's day ya'll!
of course...why else would i and the rest of my classmates come to school either
than to see our beloved teacher MR SEAH!!he is the best teacher i ever had.i can go on and tell u guys how much of a help he did in my school life.I wouldn't even be continuing my studies if he wasn't there.Ok as a prove lemme tell u guys about last year.I had already flunk all the rest of the year's subjects... it's like the premature end of my secondary school life.Cause' i definately needed the mid year marks.I nearly Gave up my further hopes,because; wats the point of doing my sec 3 end-of-the-year when i already failed my other
main exams?

i can still remember,the emotional pain i was in,as i kept on thinking about my future,i thought i was Done For...But,someone was there,Putting in faith in me.everytime sms'ing,"dun give up i Know u can make it" and; "if u put in your best in ur test,u will definately succeed"Those words were from none other than MR SEAH,my form teacher.And that was when i started to build up confidence and study very hard for my target subjects.
On the Final Year Exam Day,I was abit confident i had believed in myself,and was sure i was going to make it.the best part was,when i was doing my maths exam, i had full confidence in myself of passing.
after all the exams had ended,I was quite nervous;who isn't nervous after
doing your final year exams? i would sms to my teacher and keep on pestering of my results..Suddenly one day i got a sms saying,"see i noe u can make it if u have confidence in yourself!" I was overwhelmed with joy,but still wanted to the know the final verdict in the report card. you see...if i hadn't passed that exams..i wouldn't be here happily waiting for my N levels.
But noe matter what,i will make u proud 'cher... i will try my best for this year's N levels.. and i will make it!

thankYou Mr seah, for the trust you had in me, and i will never let you down! &&


Thursday, August 30, 2007


yea..went to malaysia 3 days ago.
damn good food,good prices of stuffs..
(SOME of)the people there are a TURN OFF!
seriously.Ate some Steamy seafood(hehe) there.
wat caught my eye was a bunch of chinese paedophiles
staring at girls passingby..the DAMN part was..
they were farking old and had no freaking hair in their
bloody old rippled & Mutant heads!! :D

(so they say....)
and then saw this!a bloody indoor pasamalam! complete with popcorn machine!

first ever in the world? maybe.

Then went up the elevator to the next storey,and saw this!!


who on earth would wanna name a store as "STYLO"?

OH! so here is where the CHR GIRAFFE Bought her bag eh?

went to other store and shopped and slacked at starbucks.
it was boring but somewhat fun though..thanks to the bubble gum!
Everything and everyone else there were fine...EXCEPT FOR THE Manjan Paedophiles! hahah!!


Sunday, August 26, 2007

was youtube'ing and came across my long time fav comedy video.
see it and Enjoy! :D

yea..just came back from amk..

rudy feroz followed me there as i had to collect some notes from my sis.

it didn't take long...after that we ate in macs in a nearby complex..

On the way back i saw this crazyLady!I tell u...She was damn farked up mentally disturbed person,man!
As i was listening 2 my mp3 with in-ear earpiece,i could not hear a single
noise surrounding me.Suddenly her actions caught my eye...
she kept nodding her head up and down..tilting it left and right...
as i took out my ear piece,i was surprised to see that nobody was actually looking
or talking to her..Even after those beside her(except me) who left long ago,she kept
on tilting her head..and the BEST PART IS...SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ANY BLUETOOTH
I was like freaked out of her behaviour and took some candid snapshots from
my hp and left the bus...

She too alighted from the bus but walked in a different direction,STILL SHAKING HER

Talk about being weird!...

here is her close up shot

if any of u guys encounter this lady,please run for ur lifes..! its a dangerous experience and
u have to see it,to believe it!

'Sup peeps!

it's such a boring day sial! so damn hot wheather sia.. gtg to hougang to study now!

Maybe gonna go Starbucks too! :D

kk.. gtg now chauz!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


k.the Farked Up person of this week is none other than..
Mr Energy Saver;himself!

wats the farking problem with this moron?
and how on earth did he become a "SUCCESSFUL" director in singapore,
u may ask...and i gotta fret wif u too cause i too dun noe why.
Just look at him...
act in all kinds of get-up..and acted for
quite a number of years...but still...
dun noe how to speak proper english!
wat the hell is," Wipe here,Here.....Its So SimpEr!"
SIMPER?? Its simple u nut!

yea..and thks u guyz for der support of der blog..anyways..
gonna blog about xiaxue next stand tuned..Chauz!


Yea..Was Stressed up cuz M' unable to figure out and decide wat phone to buy...*sigh*.One Has Vga Camera,while the other, K618i has 2m.p ...One is Walkman..the other is not...I need help guyz...

And i'll wait right here...patiently...


well,well...welcome back to another edition of my B(r)ogging!lols...
well went to ite macpherson yesterday...some sorta excursion trip its turned out to be...
had der long bus ride to the skool.Tiven wuz there along wif fellow foreigner,steven and owen.
mp3 was our only companion on the way && also we saw bala's slacking port ,Woodbridge Mental
hospital...lols..jkjk oni..
Ite mcpherson was kinda sweet though,
'cept for the canteen,we saw the true colors... :D
The Media& i.t stuff course was darn cool,but it also
made me think abt my future..if i had one..that its...haha..
kk,enuf said gtg, i will blog abt today ,tomorrow,k..Chauz



Thursday, August 16, 2007

yea...its my own blog..WTH?

wat a way 2 start my blog then to begin with yesterday.!..

was bala's birthday la...but no one gave him birthday bash.
i controlled la..cause IT's LIKE SOMEONE'S BROTHER! :O

so enuf abt jalaVolaCola..lets talk abt something else..=D
so like i starved myself the whole day cuz gonna go Temple mah..
soon after temple like i when to PeopEr's Park lols. there had macs and then

i Bought an Adidas shoe cuz its was nice 2 my Town was cool...

but the worst was tt i was "IN TOWN WITH MY PARENTS" WTF...!

err...i'm just a newbie 2 this kinda thing,Blogging...But i still could'nt
be like XiaXue..the UgRy blogger(pRease excuse my singlish...couldn't help it..

now gonna go shop,so gtg chauz...BYE!


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