Friday, November 30, 2007

today was damn gay...
& now there's a party-planner in my home,discussing about my(idiotic)brother's,(yeah i HATE HIM!!) 21st B day.
i am SOO not really bothered abt it and didn't even care abt buying a new coatjacket or long sleeve or whatever shyte..haha..i am looking forward for the christmas date only..agagagaga!!
k nw talking to nia abt nuthing else but groaning & Moaning; ttyl...
I mean,blog more!

(ouh and piggie,we will go out for ur lame tamil movie soon; kay!lols.sry!)

i came across this news in yahoo..
its about a man who actually won $1 million,BUT!
he can't keep the money because he is actually a convicted bank robber!lol.

he was also a mental patient!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

allow me to introduce(even though i am embaressed about it) my bro..
yeah i noe..disgusting shyte.
look at his pic! =O
likes to talk behind Gillions of ppl's back.
thinks he is coold but doesn't know he sucks in trying to be one.
i dun give a rats shit..cause i dun even talk to this trashbag.
trying his BEST since 1986..
sumtimes i wonder WHY THE HELL I AM BORN as his bro.!!
like i the total opposite of him!!>.he is ugly and has a shitty
YOU noe wat this guy actually showed my friendster profile to my mum and aunts
i like WTF?!!
no farking privacy can?

hmm anyways..i dun give a eff abt this moron,i think he's a loser.i remember the days whr i shoved him to toilet and he fell down on the floor! HAHHAHAH!!AGAGAG!!
kk...leave u guys to get a toilet break and vomit ur guts out of this arsehole..
Now i'm chatting with shalania & Rudy in a Conference.
hahah fucking funny siak.
rudy and his explicit
I just died'ed with laughter...haha

Esp' when hw he make fun pravindran and rendering HIS version
of Akon's Lonely.
Here is how it goes:-
"Woke up in the middle of the night knowing that my banana wasn't by my side"
&& making fun of james blunt's You're Beautiful into:-
"....I saw him in the subway,He Was shaking for another man.."

HAHAH yeah,yeah i know its TOO explicit..
haha but u shud hear him sing haha; talented voice plus+ funny lyrics..
kk..gonna sleep soon..gtg bubye!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

today was slack at home day..
dinch go out..
if go out will spent...anyways i am saving money for
a new hp..
anyways..yesterday was fun..
chatted with the msn clique for a new record of midnight to dawn chat;
hahah...anyways..YEAH my hp did go MIA..=>
nw toking to cuz on the phone..
i tell u just spending a day at home makes go crazy and useless..gah..
i felt like that today..SO BoRIIIIng..!

still updating the blogskin...'Later!

Monday, November 26, 2007

hi makkal.
epadi irukae da machi..want to go manmatha pub and dance chicago jango
with the sarakku's anot da da..Align Center


lamest ppl in the world.


hmm anyways..yesterday didn't go bkt panjang for 3 reasons
1.anjax makkal area
2.i dun wanna be into "it" like last time..(thk god for chging me)
3.My mom dragged me to a lame ass deepavali show which happened nearby rc center.cb
if i was my old shitty self i would have been there and saying"wah sort la,no gal here da dei"
and i dinch care whether got any gals or not..
the event was really lame and gay.
mostly old bald bastard were present there and SOMEMORE got one (old)couple
who claimed on stage that they were celebrating their "thala Deepavali" this year.
i asked my mom wat it meant she said
when ppl marry in a year for the first time;the coming deepavali which will be

the first blardy deepavali they celebrate together as a married (idiotic) couple will be their "thala deepavali"

&& guess wats the funny part.the man who was bald and rippled said he was celebrating thala deepavali and You should noe that "thala" means (Head) in a singular tamil word!

and that was me and my cousins cue to laugh out loud!! ahhaha!!.

he already bald and he wanna...ahahahahh U shud get the joke sooner or later....heh...

anyways some lame ass indian dancing groups came;i yawned.

and saw this latest childrens fashion;

a young gal was wearing a striking pink SHIRT!! with some lame drawing and writing!!

who the fuck kinda gal would wear dark pink SHIRT with writing on them?


k gonna eat now..till' next time;CHAU MAN!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

bought soft lens=transparents yesterday..

now i'm off to amk bubye!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

dinch bRog yeshterday.. hmm
anyways i dun care..lets come back to today.LOL!!

yeah so.. yesterday i wuz on der phone wif shivani & sha ..and we came
to a topic which will completely turn u off.
its called "shitting In the toilet and using laptop and more"
well ok..i agree that the sg youth community shitting and using the laptop
is the "IN" thing for most ...OH and WTH is "Pluke pluk pluk plook?" hahaha
the sound of shitting; dun blame me for being disgusting its sha's thought of yesterday hahaha
anyways i wanna tok abt another disgusting topic for today...
it is...

ancient Creepy Crawlies.....(*add echo here*)

haha anyways..look at this...

Its a Gigantic scorpion from the ancient time && mind u can see in the pic..
its 8 feet tall... taller than an Caucasian man and a WHOLE LOT TALLER than an
asian man! hahahah ;hmm...
scientists found this creepy scorpion's fossil in a a quarry dig-up in Germany and were in awe to find sucha an Amazing discovery..damn! 8 feet tall!..
and its believed to be 390 million years old..lucky us...
one guy who was interviewed after the discovery said..
"The sea scorpions also were cannibals that fought and ate one other, so it helped to be as big as they could be"
holy shit..
omfg...More stuff later!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Drum roll please....

its that time again to showcase this month's fucked up person

its none other than....


ok...its biodata time first... before we finish with the stinker...

Name: bala
School: chr
age: old enuf to stink

facts you wanna know abt jala:-

  • wears specs
  • he stinks
  • in a childish gang,where he acts like a gangster but the police thinks he's a joke.
  • writes his own phrases like...
  • If love is blind,why do we have eyes for? and more...
  • Automotives expert(yeah riiiiite.)
  • known to mix ard with freaks
  • thought he was okay UNTIL he deleted me & tiven in frenster and added again LOL!!..=)
  • Hip Hopper(not!)
  • butttt; hard feeling arh bala..i am just getting back at you for last time haha..yeah and enjoy ur holi's..yukyuk...=)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

wassup peeps...

Yeah came back from jogging few hours ago... i am half sick and
like m going jogging.hah..yeah u heard me rite.."half sick" LOL!!

anyways..played badminton wif aunts and suman uncle..
quite fun la...quite depressed that i never pierce brow yet..
and 2moro need to buy contacts rah..hmmm!!

well...u can see my post is colorful,no?.. wanna make everyones life colorful..*erhem*..yeah..

anyways..i hope i get better 2moro..
oh and my arm injury pain's got back to me after more than 7 years..
quite afraid that my arm might fall off..wagagaga..just jokin rah..
nt in a gr8 mood to blog i'll get back 2moro..

miss u guys..and hope to meet up someday.. nites everybody & including those striving toilet pic models...strive for the best.. u can may be the nations top toilet pic models...everynation needs a toiletster.. Chau..the good;the bad & the toilet

believe it or not;i am like ACTUALLY gonna go jogging rite now
LOL!! strange but true...
more rants later,...bubye!! =]

Monday, November 19, 2007

M' nt feeling well..
when to the doctors first thing in the morning..
i had sars...sort of....high temp..
so nvr go out 2day..lameass day it is..sia..
erm anyways its 11:02 now...
gonna sleep in an hour taken my medicine already bahzx

oh and thks shivani for bombarding my tagboard lol =P
haha u really gloryfied my tag cool!
if u keep on training WHO KNOWs;u can even be an HitWOman lol
assasinate ppl for some just jk rah..agaagag
anyways good nite all.. my eyes are starting to close.. ZZZZzzzz!

nites to shalania;shivani;alfie;rudy and all...bubye..
just woke up lurh.
didn't blog yesterday.
cause of a party in my house.
yea.deepavali done
some lame ass relatives came..
come already sit down and eat.aisho..

when out with cousins and lepak at nearby park.
Drinking BUBBLETEA hahaha...anyways...i gotta tell u something abt one cb who
got me so mad yesterday..PRAVINDRAN.

nicknamed; gori& chr's G.I JOE.
round and fat.
has 11 fingers,yeah an extra thumb.

but all these is not what its about...Originally,rudy and i intended to look for a job
together Today;but he and pravindran called for an interview days ago..
and then i heard that the arsehole pravindran bastard the hell outta me..
rudy asked him whether i too can work together with them and he said i had
no experience in working && i suck at jobs.while HE himself
have never worked be4!!! i mean like what the fuck...if u fucking dun want me to
work with him then fucking say la CB!...

and to punk that bastard PRAVINDRAN,rudy had me stay on the line while pravindran
called and conference together,except he didn't noe I WAS IN THE CONFERENCE!
and then i heard him say..all fucken stuff behind me back!! :@ KNN!!
and suddenly i fucken shout in the conference and pravindran fucken sounded paisei'd
and i fucken screwed the hell outta of pravindran,and
somemore can act as if he never bitch abt me and said "you also work with us la" i said fuck u;i was like hearing the whole convo and wat YOU said..and he fucken keep his mouth shut.haha
he like apologised like hundreds of time..and somemore can "SUAH" its means forgive and forget.cb. :@@@

Sunday, November 18, 2007

u guys gotta see this.makes fun of the fucken anjax accent..haha =D

Saturday, November 17, 2007

M' back
just came back from bugis village rah.
went wif feroz there.
actually i intended to pierce eyebrow there.
thought 8 bucks.actually there was eyebrow piercing for 8 bucks but its
not safe and unhygienic.
the safe one was 45 yeah i'll be going back they next month
again so..i will pierce then.
didn't have enuf money,i misplaced my wallet somewhr is my house
aisho...then oni had 50 bucks inside yeah...
failure to bring the rest.

anyways..saw ps3 there;next to that shop nearby this shop which is beside bugis village.LOL!
so many shops,didnt even noe that name of them.haha. =)
had starbucks there.YET AGAIN; CHOCO CREAM CHIP FRAP;size=grande.
erm..didnt actually buy that many stuffs in bugis thanks to my missing wallet.(which had brown notes) hAH!..will be back man!!>.Muahahah i AM gonna get that shirt and jeans from TOPMAN and get that blardy eyepopping ps3 shyte soon enuf.
anyways have u guys lost ur wallet which contained money (in ur own home )be4?
if u have please sms the answer to 73666 to
Holyshit!(space)Answer(space)missingwallet(space)ic no.
sms it and wait for a couple of days and u will receive an sms saying "you are a jackass,thank you
for wasting $4.good bye!"

B-O-R-E-D siak!

Yeah;anyways came back to hometown woodlands and went cwp.met old skool buddies,
sara and clique there.said hi,bye and went on to X-craft and bought an silver bangle,bracelet watever.damn i totally look like bangali! COOL!
hmm gonna stuff myself nw chau man!
hitting bugis now.bbye!

Friday, November 16, 2007



just came back from jurong.
looked for a job with raveen.
oh almost forgot,raveen is my very far related cousin bro.
but would meet up sometimes.his sis came along too.yeah.
went for interview..
*fingers crossed*
hope next week i get called up!
telemarketting job interview again..but didn't have any pests in my path this time!!

anyways then hit back to cwp.
there went to starbucks.had choco frap ! hallejuah! the starbucks
had the "new"'s all cooR.yeah...
was tired ,had to leave th 2 sibling and hit back home.
the minute i step back into my home already got the nagging start to flow in.
&& guess what my mom was mopping the floor;and
my pet dog tobbie slip on the floor! ROR!!!
its mean Ruff out Roud actually..
invented by urs truely.yeah..
ok peeps gotta hit the shower and later pray.yEah! u heard me rite...
yupyup.. a good boi yeah yadayada..wadever..i am a holykid
on friday...=>
kk..chau homies!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

What I got to do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.

What do I do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
stay with me;

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I just like have the worst freaking exp
in my lameass life.
i saw a freaking spirit!!
GAH! long story short;

left house at i dunno maybe 8.40pm to meet
old school buddies..took a cab there bahzxz
slack awhile
& after being ridiculed;thanksguys..
went back home.had a single 50 buck soo dun wanna
take cab to break th single buck..and decided to walk back home
which was a grave mistake!!...
and then on my way sortta had a hallucination(dun look at me;i too am clueless)
about hearing weird chants..
and VOILA!! there it was 2 funeral staring ahead of me!
and then came back to my freaking senses && guess wat i was standing
next to a cage of burned down hell money! GOSH!

and the next thing i saw scared the kajeepers outta me.
a long haired woman in white and greyish color crossed the junction of the road i was crossing!!!
th image was blurry so cant freaking see whether "it" was wearing a dress or wat..
BUT;it seriously scared the wits out of me.
woodlands ring road.lots of cases of deaths.gaaah! omFg!
so anyways i am now eating rah! haha
enjoying my experience by treating myself.
thank god i got there alive && thank god i didnt spent alot with the gang
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! bbye! toodles noodles! =)

i feel like writing a song about this 3 stuff.

wasted your time? i sure have.Wagaga;just some random pic i took;i was BORED!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

*yawn* jus woke up from afternoon nap.sorry peeps for not updating my blog haha...lazy la
haha..anyways, currently unemployed after quitted my previous job
after working oni for 3 weeks haha.. BUT,i will be back to working soon
cause am gonna work with rudy feroz after he is back from malaysia.
enjoying there da dey! haha..

..'niways..just only figured out wat cool stuff windows pc has to offer as
i fiddled with desktop.and found out ways to customize it to be damn cool! =)
trying to plan to make my own cartoon or short film cause while waiting for the RUDE MAN to
come back from which ever part he is in malaysia.
but currently M learning hw the hell to insert subtitles into my vid...gonna be cool..
*sigh* M having 700 bucks but still dunno wat to buy...
planned to buy ps3..but nt sure of the price sia...
and also i am having 2nd thoughts about having ps3 .
or maybe i can bring 'someone' out for dinner sometime...maybe? who noes?
i myself dunno wat the fuck to do..haha holidays are freakin' boring siak! #$#%#!
anyways i forgot to tell abt the incident i had yesterday while buying some dinner...

Me:'cuse me.can i order sweet&sour fish rice prease?
Shop Lady:U want Lice arh?
Me:er..rice please(snickering)
Shop Lady: ya lor, sweet & sour lice la.. one arh?
Me:erm, one packet pls..


Saturday, November 3, 2007

chk this out Elmo singing with Goo Goo Dolls hahah!! cute sia.