Wednesday, January 30, 2008

god,help me out here.
i need someone to talk to.i used to be the crying shoulder,now..i need one for myself..


sorry ,yeah..i depend on youtube to make me laugh.
and it only entertains me at times.
Take word from me.who ever u ain't a walk in the park.
and i am nt even close.

phrase of the day: i like walking in the rain,cause noone can see me crying.

Monday, January 28, 2008

erm..i am half asleep.
just wanna make a shoutout to those various ppl out there..
esp* pointing out to the ppl who add me and keep quiet.
eh,if u guys wanna talk to me pls do so lurh..dun keep quiet.
like add and then wait for me to tok,like wtf..
i wun bite talk to me shyshy gosh remind me of someone..heheh
so yeah..

& that and also..

erm,am i supposed to control my physique for NS later on or sumthing?..AHH..who cares..
not now..heheh..
and that ganga is being a bitch.
imagine someone ask u this..
:hw are u
:tell me ...tell tell telltelllllllllll pls tell la...!
:busy arh?
:so who shud i choose,this guy or that guy?

i am officially provoked dah..
its like someone posting " hw is life" in his/her blog.stupid rite?
ok..running outta ideas for rantings..CHAUZXZ



Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hiez;stressed relieved...went down for my usual late night walks;
nw back home,,,T_T no food at home sial.
making nuggets now!! lolzx!!

eating dah,take care everyone.
i'm so glad that my dream is getting few inches closer.
at least i have that spirit with fav phrase now is "The Will To Win" i dunno,y..
but i am in love with it..
And whats up with those ppl who just wanna interfere with you and your goals?
i know of some ppl who are like that,but dun wish to speak of in this post.
and those ppl who argue with you alot; wats up with them?
just fark them lar.hong kan.
cause there are no ppl who are comment or predict everything for you,cause
seriously, its whose life anyways, right?

and those ppl who talk so highly of themselves, but skully shop at checkpoint.
its just an example;just pointing out the obvious luh hor?
lolzx.watever it is..just dun let ppl break u down..ok..


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

went to outram park today after few problems at home.
met all under my blk,(actually because of me,sorry guys)
then off'ed to outram park with jocelyn,remus cha and tiven.
went to hospital to visit geevan.
the survivor of th crash.and listened to his tale of the "disastrous accident".
didn't stay there for too long left before 6pm (i think).
went to foodcourt to 'whack' lunch.
but it turned out to be disgusting;the food.=S
went back to admiralty to get some stuffs,slacked for awhile chau'ed back home.

thoughtsonmymind:" the girl i saw in the hospital added me in msn,i think.=P.
hmm not a good way to meet up huh?> a hospital? shucks...

& today's word of the day; Honda Rabah. =O..lolzx

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tribute to Eswaran 1989-2008

Left:Geevan; Right Eswaran.

in memory of eswaran.

u noe wat..i thought of so many things to say...but just forget it..
i am nt in the mood right now.and besides. my mood horoscope says today its Sad..wth..but its so damn true..=(

seriously nt in the mood.
its just that a person that would make you laugh and smile also could make you cry.
dei takecare da eswaran.

P.S Geevan who was also in the accident survived but in critical condition now,broken legbone.
hope you get better.takecare.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

jokes bahzx.

quite funny read it carefully ;-

A boy wrote this home from camp:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thi$ i$ what I need!
Plea$e $end $ome $oon!

His parents wrote back:
NOthing much happening here
.Hope you're NOt being a NOughty boy.
We miss you.
Love,Mom & Dad
A man hears a knock at his door. He opens the door, looks around, then down, and sees a snail on his front step. He picks it up, and throws it into the street. Ten years later, the man hears a knock at his door. When he opens the door, there sits the same snail. The snail says, "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!!?"

here are some of the world's lamest jokes...

What's 1x2? 2
What's 1+1? 2
Who wrote Tom Sawyer? Twain
Now say all the answers together, in order.
Two Two Twain
Have a nice twip!


Next //

A man walks out of a gym after working out for a couple of hours.
he said to his friend, " I think i lost 20 pounds"
The man's friend replies pointing to the floor, "hey,turn around i think i found it!"


Another One!!

A man was pushing his car and he saw a red hotel in front of him.
He knew that he was going to go bankrupt, and shortly afterwards would go to jail.
Because he was playing Monopoly!

super lame...*sigh*
woke up already & i received a call from a friend. his sister is admitted to the hospital.i think she tore some part of her leg or sumthing.gonna leave out soon.bye.

*& god pls make sure she will be fine.cure her pls *

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Terrible Twos
If you opened it, you have to do it.

Two Names You Go By:
1. jeev
2. sanjeev

Two Songs You Love Listening To At The
1. some tamil song
2. In The End Piano.

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. blue black tee
2. shorts da.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. chemistry
2. love

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. listening to music
2. slack.

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The
1. PS3!! #$@#@%$!!
2. A JOB.

Two pets you had/have:
1. Dog
2. father.

Two things you did last night:
1. chat
2. sleep.

Two things you ate today:
1. nasi Remak =P
2. some jalan,err..apom jalan is it? err dunno wats it called lur.

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. rudy
2. mum =0

Two Things You'll be doing tomorrow:
1. lemme think..
2. nt sure..

Two places you want to go:
1. EGYPT LA KNN!@! #$#@%!! =0
2. New york,usa.

Two favorite beverages:
1. bourbon coke.
2. ribena.

Two favorite channels:
1. star world.
2. mtv.

Two favorite foods:
1. pizza.
2. BK SANDWICH #$Q@#!! =PP

Two things you want to do before you
1. see my bro die first.
2. bury him.

Repost as "What Are Your Top 2's?"

Monday, January 14, 2008

omg,just saw the preview show of the new Samsung Armani Phone.
you noe how it is? its fucking nice is how it is...gosh,super nice
its made of metal and alittle bit of plastic.the design is damn sexy.SERIOUSLY i ain't kidding.
its way freaking better looking then iphone which ppl everyone "so called wants it". geez i guess ppl want it only because it has "i" in the phone to make it iphone and i guess this must be how ppl get to love it.I GUESS..Apple iphone has lame 2mp. whilst armani phone ahs 3.2 it in a long run.and iphone is fat,armani isn't. and the other reason is because is has something to do with ipod and that paris hilton has one.ROFL, i bet she has to sell it rite now cuz she has no fortune left in her! did ya read the news? if u did u might understand.sheesh everywhr u go,i want iphone this,iphone that!..IS IT EVEN GONNA COME TO SG? HMM I DO NOT NOE!.lol.
hmm..and i guess armani phone has already landed in sg,i guess.not sure..and ppl would be liked to be seen with a cool phone like armani lurh..iphone is so that century.. I hate ppl toking abt it! sheesh,if u like it so much buy it lurh.knn,right anot?

*sigh* anyways i aint sure whether i might get this hp anyways...dunno the price yet,gah, for now i will at least settle for n81 ZZZzzzz

watch this , haha =)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

** Late Post **

yeap,yesterday head out with family to an punjab restaurant a.k.a North indian restaurant;
had dinner there,super yummy ,ate till hearts content.omg was so damn full.rite until now i am still quite filled up,lol.had tandoori with naan and all.and some other traditional dishes such as chix 65,75, or 89,000..dunno wat farkever it was.lols.

* today *

went over to bro's fiance's place.obviously bro was there too.then from there:- (which was bedok) we left to IKEA.i dunno what we were doing there but we had lunch there.lunch at IKEA was damn cool,Queue up take whatever you want and pay later.haha and the place was built in a way whr u could go out wthout paying ,nah,we din dine and dash but "I" took plenty of rounds of drink ,haha seriously the place was built in a way whr u could do that,but eventually i got tired of too much drinks.=) bro asked if i wanted to stay over,but i refused,mum's a dragon back at home.and i seriously needa job.anyways,2moro going for an interview.wish me luck,who ever is reading, bah gtg defregmenting my pc.chauzxz

Friday, January 11, 2008

i am back,watched a movie in cwp instead of going bugis tday.
yeah..national treasure's not nice,BUT IT'S FREAKING NICE.yeah i noe i am late into seeing that movie..gah..but anyways.that movie was super cool.IF U HAD ALREADY WATCHED THE FIRST ONE THAT IS...heheh.yeap..

anyways...just came back 2 hrs my project.of studying new!.
buying soon bahzx.

so anyways..this garl added me in msn 2day.spoke to me up until just 2 mins ago.(geez,as long as she has a dp,if u noe wat i mean.) lol..then she somehow initiated the chat first.guess she might be reading "how to chat up to guys for idiots" book.cause she really knew hw to get attention.start chat already ask "how to say emotion, in tamil" i said, emotion? in tamil? geez i dun speak tamil and translating words are much was saying her mum challenged her to write a compo in tamil,so yeah..wagered her and all..and i dunno whether she was lieing but she was like" i dunno tamil too".and all that stuffzx..see my type already change bahzxz..haha so yeah she said what story to write abt.and I USED MY SUPER 'LAME' KNOWLEDGE and thought of a story for her to write abt.. here goes -

Jeev: so say lurh.that u and all ur frens were playing catching one day.but suddenly one of ur fren tripped and fell down.
somemore on the road.
Then a car rammed her also.and to add to the misery,it rained heavily.and it started to flood.
the flood carried the girl's dead body away to the manhole.
Than all ur frens were afraid and began to think whether to take her macbook or ipod and keep it.

hahah and the gal was like WTh!
hahahah.i was bored so i had to think of a random explicit story bahzxz.
ok gonna pRay Hitman now..chauzx
here i am,as always,sitting on my not-so-comfy chair..
not a job in the world..everyday going out..nt good for me.i need to find a job fast!!
anyways going to bugis out later..gonna sleep for a while ..ZZzzzz!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

erm.hi everyone.
i just wanna take the time by talking abt an issue that really seems to irk me,"THEM" rather.
so here is an extract from the singapore driver's license requirement from THE SINGAPORE TRAFFICE POLICE.Its specially dedicated to freakazoids such as shalania and her frens to prove that YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE 21 TO TAKE A FREAKING DRIVER'S LICENSE!

The Singapore Driving Licence

Singapore driving licences include the following categories:

  • Class 2B: Motorcycles under 200cc
  • Class 2A: Motorcycles between 201cc and 400cc
  • Class 2: Motorcycles in excess of 400cc
  • Class 3A: Automatic motor cars (automatic gearing - no clutch pedal) able to carry up to seven passengers
  • Class 3: Motor Cars (manual gearing – with clutch pedal, able to carry up to seven passengers)
The minimum age for obtaining either a Class 3 or Class 2 driving licence 18 years

jeev:ERm u guys could read the bold fonts pls,happy now? && there is NO such thing as 'from your age onward 21 years old can take only'.I read the news,i noe.
sheesh.does this end the debate already?its more worst then the last time u argued that LEFT EAR PIERCING IS GAY! seriously whr u guys come from?lol.
I am saying this on behalf of all my fellow frens who think this is Bogus.thank you!& HURRAY 18! =]


Monday, January 7, 2008

i would like to make my own top ten countdown to the best rock/monster ballad song ever made.
This song list is based only by my OWN Opinion and view.also this songs have been famous before and were well received by the do comes my begins now... =)

10.Aero Smith - Don't wanna miss a thing.
this song by aerosmith was well known throughout the world.was in the top ten Best rock monster ballads of all time list in the rolling stones mag.was the theme for the movie ARMAGEDDON.

09.SteelHeart - I'll Never Let You Go..
classic rock Ballad.need to say more?

08.Guns & Roses - November Rain.
8 minute plus song.1992 most requested song.won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Cinematography.

07.Eagles - Hotel California.
controversial song.deemed by many that when the track was heard backwards it had the "devilish' verses.worth trying?

06.Beatles - Yesterday.
its the beatles!

05.Poison - I Won't Forget You.
power ballad glam metal rocker,poison.

04.Scorpions - Wind Of Change.
90's classic.

03. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven.
the best rock song ever in rolling stones mag.but my 3rd choice,lol.

02. Journey - Why Can't This Night Go On Forever.
blardy nice song.sad.


01.Goo Goo Dolls - Iris.
have u seen the movie City Of Angel.If you did You Would noe why..Here
is the video of the song iris.cheers.thks for wasting ur time in viewing this post.appreciate it though =)

oh && if u do enjoy this video pls chk out the one with avril lavigne and goo goo dols sing today live.=)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

look like 1o year old kid in this pics..geez..

tough day 2day..
still gotta flu..
but i am not bothered cuz 2day there is
geez... i thought i am think of something and write here...but i a, out of ideas.
shyte seriously wanted to rant abt something..nah...nvm..
i shall end here..bored~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 5, 2008

aye,at home now.
got a terrible flu.even saying the word flu aloud sounds like "blue" for me.
yea,blocked nose too.
got called up to go slacking at town from venod,lol!.
but sadly couldn't,wanted to go but NOOO!!!
Dad had to spoil the plan! =@
he wanted for the whole family to spend the usual "family time" together.
he wanted to buy tix for some tamil movie.zzz!
'nyways... dunno whr we gonna go but surely SOMEWHR..together.. outing mad...
like some kinda 10 year old boy..siakzx

Tomoro also need to go out,picnic'ing with relatives.
my sis will be there,well,actually its her mom's Bday so she NEEDS TO BE THERE..
planned to give her mum a suprise party,perhaps @ marine parade.
her cool fren will be there..GAWD i FUCKING NEED TO GET MY ARSEHOLIC brain to POLY SOON man! much good kinda frens there..all whr playing that electronic charades thingy damn cool!
well that was on new i am gonna meet them again yeah gonna be cool..
ok..gonna take medicine and sleep now bubye..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

so new year was okok la..moderate enjoyment..
as usual some unknown bastards came along as time passed.
then suddenly one lady started to play old indian music and pulled everyone to dance along..
i hated old tamil music, so i went away to one place that i can be alone by myself..
The Swing.
no la..nt really..
cause soon my Un-related cousins came there too..
spoil the quiet atmosphere cb!!.
anyways..soon it was time for the blardy countdown for 08'
the aunties brought this cake as it was actually my granny's birthday at the 31st of dec..
but we celebrated her birthday only after the countdown which makes it the next!!
the cake was super nice ,gaah.
OMG Oreo Cheesecake!
the new year cake..haha..

usually would only have one slice of oreo cheesecake cuz of starbucks..but this time i get to eat many slices hahah..greedy shyte..
then cousins and i slacked around then when 7-eleven to scare the cashier haha
plan failed cause the cashier was an old man and he looked like he could die then next minute,so poor stuff...left him alone..
damn! somemore need to go mata ayer(wrong spelling i guess) at sembawang .
visit another relative of mine.yet another bungalow..
din' have much fun there only knocked off after a couple of drinks.u guess..
yeah and my family left at abt 4am..SLEPT la a BUFFALO..knn tired siak..
ok..SO now i am stuck at's y i am blogging bahzxz...
need'a find a fucking job & FAST!!
so i can get enuf cash to purchase 5610 xpressmusic along with ps3 ,both being my priority..
i am sleepy will blog later,maybe. =}

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here is a short New Year's Resolution poem that i made up during my free time,hope u like it:-

This year, i will.stop smoking
cause it only leaves my life span shrinking.

I will try my best never to tell a lie
cause most of the time,it leaves my mom to cry.

I will tell the best joke ever,
that makes everybody laugh.
Except for bala's laughter which really makes me wanna barf.

I also swear that i change my various bad behaviour & ways..
Cause i know now which friends that make my day...
those who show me the other side of life instead of being with someone i hate.

I Promise that this year i will abide to this resolutions,
And that all my problems would come with a solution.
Live and let live is what i wanna say.
As I wish everyone in my life a happy new years day. =]

::finished writing this poem in 20 mins::
Hope It's nice to read.Ignore any spelling mistakes and errors.
Have fun,take care and cheers..=]

signing off: sanjeev

the shit ends at 12am, 31/12/07
not the same person i was before..
Its Ends Tonight..

::Happy New Year Peeps;::