Monday, April 28, 2008

Bleed It Out- Linkin Park
This is like the anger anthem.
That was lets get back to my personal

fun bahs.
Left to my uncle's daughter's naming ceremony at noon.It was really nice to visit th punjabi side of my family after quite awhile.And the baby was cute too.Then dad drove me to causeway all th way back from that place,which was tiong bahru.damn and he was nagging all the way.who does he think he is? my father arh? =O
Met alvin and y hei and maggi @ causeway to slack.
"slacked" for awhile and headed to timezone to play some games.
its been like 25 years since i last touched or entered an arcade.
so reminiscenced some memories there.
Fucking joking our asses off there.Then after having our dinner there @ seoul garden,headed to kiddy palace..(knn) just for fun and destroyed some stuff there.Rawrrrol..rearranged all the baby model dolls in a very explicit manner,and practically burst my bladder laughing there.=p
anyways Am planning to get a lip piercing...gah..i dunno..but i am getting it.before some idiot does it before me.haha.

today i am a good kid.
i went to temple.
not to pray but to eat at a nearby seafood.LOL!
Taste of Thailand is th sex.
but it was kinda lame cause was having lunch with parents.=O
Then at about 6.45pm plus headed to yishun golden village to catch Superhero Movie.
arhh nothin special abt th movie...but real nice to see leslie nielsen act after so long.even though he is a rotting old man..he is damn funny.

hmm...wanna watch IRON MAN this weekend,anyone wanna join ?

anyways..tobbie just got a new haircut,just got delivered.a nice poodle cut.
lol...trying to be funny attacking th elmo toy.=P
okok...gtg shower...ttyl

Friday, April 25, 2008

had classes early at 8 am today.
so hurriedly left house after getting ready and made my way over to wdls interchange to board the bus to school.
school was super fun today as usual.
& the whole length of the lessons of today was conducted in a lab.
Not the aircon thing,(every class has aircon btw) but the fact that we could use the net today.
Nothing new u say,But the whole class logged on Friendster and all of us added each other nehzx.
Anyways,GAWD my blog song is nice huh?
Today decided to slack ard with Y hei a.k.a alien.or Haywire. ,Alvin a.k.a long haired guy and of course campus superstar guy fukuan.During lesson alien and i were crapping abt the teacher as he was teaching us HTML codes and I know all already one decided to crap that we make our own fake website with our teacher as his private sex!
shaggy was the word of the day.& gross.
And then after school left to bedok interchange shopping area with alien.he was looking for caberra thingy*shrugs* then after went to ntuc just for fun to Y hei would say " Take in fresh air" heheh. tomorrow m' meeting them all.slackk.i need a vacation.Too much said,i am going,bye.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nope no classes today.
Hibernating at home right now.
School seems alot better as days go by.
Met another friend,but i can't really verbalize of the fact that we were actually connected in a way.I can't pronounce his name that well but,fukuan was actually celeste's BF,xubin's friend.
Lol!.Talk about small world!
Anyways.He was in the same singing competition,campus superstar i think? yeah...
nice guy anyways..
OK anyways yesterday,we had some kinda lesson..erm...i don't even know what was the subject was a new teacher was for us/me.
Come sg pls.
anyways. Indie rock,erm..rawks.
soulful guitars at it's best.
&& life doesn't seem to suck as much as i thought.heheheh.
okok ler..
anyways..tomorrow is mohawk day in school.
all the guys planned to come to school with mohawk or at least half mohawked hairstyle.
&& there is a street soccer match after school..
after 2 years of hiatus,i am back to soccer.
lemme get back my form first.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

finally blogger's werking!

Hello blog readers.Lemme just update on my life for this past 4 days,ok.

The first day of classes started.I wasn't nervous and all,but it somehow felt funny to start life anew in a new school.Proceeded up to the school of infocomms.And attended the seminar for my course.Seriously it felt as though it was a poly 0ne.So it's kinda cool.Met all the lecturers,class advisors,heads and of course fellow classmates.Trust me it felt kinda weird though.Breaks are given unnecessarily,so it was abit liek time wasting for me/us.All ended well though,except for one fat curly haired malay girl laughing like macham pontianak shiakzx basket@#$@$! i hate curly haired fat gurls ;turn off lar hor..

2/2 part of the seminar speech.the big finale.It was much enjoyable now though.The faces were starting to get familiar but only found 2 good friends so far.=( all the rest appeared like losers =x
My CA which actually was the more adult name reference then sec schooler's FORM!
He(Mr Peter Liow) was damn cute.He gave us all the timetable schedule of the classes for the weeks to come and he said that on monday we had to see his face for the whole day and followed by saying "eh,actually my face not bad la aarh!" ,after a long pause! rofl! funnayy
He looks like a hamster seriously, one girl even nicknamed him as HAMTARO,haha.yeah and the girl and i made friends..yeahhh.[jeev adds another one to his friend list]

The Best Fcukin' Wednesday in my life.Headed to school and immediately took a hired bus and left to mcpherson for a cca fair.i swear i din noe anyone there.But later was happy to see Ron and others from diff ite's.All were my sec school friends too.Slacked around both inside and outside the campus smoked and left home after the school head's big speech.Went to tampines and met rudy,ryyan and co.Headed to Tampines mall,slacked at macs and all took the same bus back to causeway point.We were at the top deck of the double decker bus and freakin like slacked there talking trash and lol'ing.I needed a few laughs but instead i got much.Pravindran was the topic and coke was the debate.hahah.

Today;school started at 12pm today.So took it easy and left for school slowly.Rudy woke up freakin' late and i was forced to ditch the bus to wait for for him and the next bus.shyte.supposed to go earlier to school mannzx =O
Ok,so today lessons started for real.All the other days was just about getting to know the school and all the head's connected to it.And i see how much more relaxed it is to learn.It's not like you have to walk in An fucking line and keep quiet anymore! It's not like you would have to FUCKING sit on the hall/parade square floor!.and it's not like you have to fucking wear school socks and shoes.The Lessons,ALL i meant ALL lessons were conducted in a room with an aircon.I have changed alot.And for the far best.Confidence is building in.Respect and my aspects are circulating around.I KNOW WHO I AM NOW.And After graduation i am going to head over to temasek polytechnic.I love that school.Oh,and i have a thought that i would like to share with all...ITE isn't as bad as you guys think.You should see how much relaxed and matured the school system works.Its much better than secondary school life for sure.Breaks are given,teachers give respect to us,the students.And,last but not least,the bastards and mofo's who somehow make it to the poly and also just by an inch,and they would act super proud that they have made it to the poly,but oh..later to only find out that their fucking lifes are gonna be miserable cause they would have just "choosen",the LOUSIEST course in poly and then bad mouthing about ITE.know what? go fuck yourself.You guys know who you are.I have seen and chatted *winks* with ppl who barely but somehow make it to poly and then to appear educated.Do you ppl know that the ppl in the ITE get a better headstart to the poly after we graduate?Did you guys know we could? so S.T.F.U pls... thks... *on behalf of everyone else....*

P.S Everyday of the lessons i am half an hour! sorry mr peter.....=P

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hey yall'.
I can't sleep,its 1:47AM
So i am chatting with some random friends now.ROFL!
Here is a utterly random,and silly part of my chat with Nysa.

'[j ē ē vK!D] says: eh,nysa since u are javanese rite....can i ask u a question...?

+ Nysa ocTavia + says: yea..

'[j ē ē vK!D] says: do u noe whr mas selamat is?

'[j ē ē vK!D] says: lollololol!

+ Nysa ocTavia + says: ass!! no!!

yeah i noe..blah,blah,blah..
anyways ordered macs nw..waiting for food nw..hungryyyyyyyyyy =P
i gotta hit some weights soon mann..anyways tata...


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ok,It's Wednesday 9th of April ;9:28PM.Just came back from a yum-yum Seafood dinner at Yishun,ironically named Yishun Seafood Restaurant.Yeah..that it...that's the title of the restaurant,no ah leng seafood ptd and all that who-ha.And the best part was i was eating with all of my former clique/childhood friends but there is no longer a need to cause we knew each and everyone of our contacts and stuff so ,yeah..besties.D-nesh,Vin,Jasmine,Ryan and Lisa were all there.We had so much of catching up to do.All of there had changed alot but the better.I gotta say Jasmin and Lisa have become prettier.But of course, they both already are,lol.Anyways,after dinner,as Yishun was seriously a boring place,all of us headed to Civic to slack.And Ryan had never seen or been to Civic before,roflmao!#$#@$!!...Ok,i am like having a serious eye infection.So i'm not gonna do anything about it,tata!cheerios.amigos!! =D

Monday, April 7, 2008

i decided to go through my haunted ex-email account,and it felt like stepping through another portal.gosh,i din noe i din noe i left behind so many contacts,mails and stuff.geez
anyways.. came back home at 6 plus today. yeah i had a uncle called me up,and i was to get my ass to mediacorp.@ caldecott hill.i was happy , but the work load was like crap.picked up another 100 bucks and added to my tab.uncle shud call up again for the pay day.oh yeah, and i REMEMBERED to ask my uncl for the hp no. of that lady who recruits new "talents" to acting.sheesh,the only talents i could see that day who were trying to act like gangster for that show.and all this "talents" mistake was so farkin funny,even the director laughed himself.lolzx
SO yeah,asked uncl for the number but he said that he had it in his sorta like contacts diary at home.forturnately he had the number.unfortunately i had to wait till i next see him which is on pay day for jeev.yeahhh.
this was just for that some person.*winks*
dun worry u'll get ur chance,just dun squander it.=)

my name in japanese is ...
JUNKO MYOKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
wat the fark?
okok bye. random rite?but u noe wat random is?

\ /

& this is FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!
u guys read tiven's post on this bastard yet? go chk it out super funny.

Friday, April 4, 2008

quite att with errands today.
aunt got an mild heart-attack.
rushed to ttsh as soon as mom arrived.
aunt's ok.
nth to worry abt.
but i don't care abt it too.

starbuck'ed on the way,somewhere ard novena i think.
headed back,
got too many plans tomorrow.
got to head to school.
gotta pay fees.
yeah i finally got in the school.
out of 1/1 tries,lol!
gotta buy some stuff too.
and i am thinking of getting the sonic gear speakers tomorrow also.
not sure.
but i am dead tired.gonna
sleep now after this phone call.hehehzx

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


why am i so uptight today?
wth is wrong with me.
why the hell is anger swallowing me whole.
Why does my solution to many problems end with either drinking or puffing one.
and now that i stopped taking cigs...
drinking leaves me with no other options to look back.
I squandered several opportunities in life.
and i feel like everyone else is to blame except me.
yeah, i was so right about being an uptight person,now.
its funny how you could learn from your mistakes but yet many a times you do not correct it.or in simple words.dun give a fark abt it.
obviously most of my friends would be" its not like you to talk like this" but yeah... SOME do noe the real side of me.weird for some,"haha" that is wat i would have done,just laugh it off.
so far there are some things that DO have made an impact towards my attitude/characteristics..
i picked up piano,cause i feel that it is an relaxing instrument.
How many of you guys really find something making you feel better or at least try to?
everyone has their own view towards life but how many of those actually work out in the end..
thats why i SPEAK OUT.please do..
its makes you or at least ME feel abit better.alil' weight of ur burden and all..
so Yeah...
It's so random,but i got abit smile in me left......