Monday, June 30, 2008

Parents are away and out of this country.yay.
good timing though,currently holidaying.
ok,and 6 days sober w/o cigarettes.
Am starting to hallucinate cigs all over my mind now.Seriously thought i saw a pack on the table
but it later turned out to be my phone. =(

So there's BBQ This wednesday,Paris ris,dunno what pit,30 something..?
I dunno,i don't care even,just following sheila and tasha there?
uhm.And alvin finally found my msn and we started talking.
Just the person i wanted to talk to.He didn't know abt the bbq and the plans.
So yeah it'll be cool if he and the rest of the chinese peeps came along.
Only then could buy vodka or something.
the rest one word:Haram.
But then again some even drink i guess.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here is a piece by the "crazy frog feat bala" in their rendition of "where'd you go"

Miss Foo's Chorus:

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
(like 2mins ago)
That you've been gone.

Bala's Part:

She said "Some days I look like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be abnormal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the shlong always feel so long,
And, I find myself trying to stay by the phone,
'Cause your barking always helps me to not feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times eatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your "career",
Me and the rest of the makkalz here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbecue up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile of shit,
But now, you only stop by every once and a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
By playing soccer and sweating most of the time.
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find that you have something to say ,to tell me that i am a gay
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times eating',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the makkalz here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you've got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it...

Miss Foo's chorus:

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,(like 2mins)
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...

P.S i had totally nth else "exciting" to do to waste time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

back in black!
Yeah so its actually a total of 1week of mayhem in kl.
it aint so bad after all.

Cant blame me if i mix the days and events together.
Ok so the road to kl and the ending of cigarettes started of in a bad way.
But i shall just skip the part.It just normal Trip hassle.That i am sure everyone's been through.
And you what.I just wanna remind everyone else how much JB sucks big time?
Still the fucking same for dunno how many decades
took the train straight to kl.happy thought not need to use the fucking white card anymore.
Its gay. headed kl and blah blah... when to Up singapore those places are just called as need the UP..but anywho..
its like a mini orchard..
gucci,everlast,prada,chanel you name it..
the prices are abit weird cause of the RM thingy..
ate at the " as in singapore" legendary A&W..
no need to describe,ice cream root beer float/curly fries?
sexy enuf?

no arcade..awww..
big let down.
Petrol +nas..
Nas must've been the creator's father's name.
And somemore name the twin tower under that.Why not Shell Tower , or Esso tower?

Abit pissed of but wheew.such a big town it was..
M'sia is so much more relaxed then the pressurized life here in sg.
Ppl there dun even care,14 years old peeps can drive motorbike.
smoke is cheap.everything else is cheap.
here in sg,ppl stare,& law here and there.
in kl rudy and i were like just towning by day and gambling by night.
btw.i forgot the mention the characters in the home i stayed.
Introducing the 4 kittens:-


Plus sex maniac mummy
Ironically named kitty.

sorry no pics =(

.Then the cousins of rudy

The sister
The oldest bro
the middle bro
the youngest bro

all working...relaxed life huh?

nt necessarily need to go school.
Yet all can ride all sorts of vehicles.
the honda civic which was modified is kewl.
3rd or 4th day i think, we left to some mountain side area and to the waterfalls for some dips in the lake.

We thought of the word skinny dipping used by someone last time and totally rofl.
disgusting la,(pls noe ur fucking qualities before using that word)


go look it up and u might resembling that character.
HAHAH! are mossy..slippery and irritating..

had somekinda family gathering..
And you know what, i seriously like the life in the malay culture here..well at least in m'sia.
Its kinda fun.
The togetherness is good to see.

gah i haven been able to get on a english head to head conversation with anyone over there.
And my brain feels whoozy after all that "mandi" and "tido" "jangan" and more ,words.

OK so the days when on quite smoothly i started to get annoyed and wanted to go back to sg but as days when by i started to look forward spending time with them.
the last day was the most emotional, rudy's mom cried.but of course,may nt even see her sister and nephews for months or maybe years.
Kakak and bro were so kind to buy for me and rudy mcspicy meals each..
seriously the last goodbyes the worst.
BUT...its the last time we as in rudy and i could smoke,so as our pact we had made.
The final few cigarettes were kept on the seat as a emotional way. and set the lighter beside it.


gotta buy me that black/gold everlast hoodie...yaay nw can afford cuz of life w/o cigs..

and another thing.
i just realized i missed my mom's bday.cuz i was in m'sia.
all the relatives came to my place to celebrate.bring each other's pot luck items.
Mom said she don't want to do the party because i wasn't there.


gotta shower nowabahbahabahlasthadaadei!

MTV Asia

if you like,you guys could vote for them.

P.S don't vote for justin he doesnt deserve it.he's crap.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's Sunday.
And just two more days to my trip to m'sia.
going there with rudy and staying with his
So we gonna have so much fun to do alot of stuffs upon reaching k.l.
going there by train.
sucks to travel by train but no choice.
Rudy dared me to eat mcspicy in one gulp.So
yeah gonna do it.*crosses fingers*
its not THAT big right?
And well,well,well..
what da ya know..
its gonna be the last week that both of us would buy any cigs.
Seriously quitting.
so Yeah.
lotsa of my frens said that you noe good luck and stuff like that.
classmate;bytch said that its gonna be super hard to stop and we would continue to buy and stuff..But gotta fight temptation.
And obviously gurls would be like " ya dun smoke,it sucks,and you are gonna get lung cancer" and stuff like that.Its all so diff,but i am gonna do what i had promised and that is the next week would be the last week i would let that filter touch my lip.

talking abt today.
i mean now..gonna get ready soon.
leaving for town.
Going to NewYork!NewYork! with the pals and gals
for lunch/dinner depends on what time we all reach there..
And i am always the latest.BOOO!
hehehe ok

Friday, June 13, 2008

I guess i can't see my own blog with IE
so i guess its viewable only with Firefox.
Its supposed to be that way yeah..
anyone else who can view my complete page (with the entries and everything)
pls do contact or tag me.

So today is the LAST DAY OF THE TERM/SEMESTER,whatever..
And so everything was kewl today.
Alvin,Wei hei and some of the other peeps didn't come,
but hack tasha,sheila,sean and i headed to Tampines Mall after school.
Sheila had to activate some crap with the Starhub peeps.
Wanted to eat.
Headed to PIZZA HUT.
Its th sexz =D
Took some pics.
And we toasted on the lost of one bastard.
we all hate.
Hope you suffer air turbulence.
ok gonna meet up with th clique now.
Mann thats so gayy.
chauz mannzx

Thursday, June 12, 2008

So Semester 1 is nearing completion.
So Tomorrow is the last day of school to holidays.

Got some ideas from classmates on how to spend tomorrow.
Rumors of Chalet Night was put off,leave it to the end of the year maybe.
So normal class outing was suggested.
Maybe mr Peter would consider blanja'ing us some cash?
so to treat ourselves to macs? maybe?
But i dunno.Its Friday the 13!!! tomorrow.
That day has so many reasons for me to be happy about.
Finally gonna meet someone i had always wanted but unable cause of my bad timing and school and stuffs,so yeah..
You know what?
I really feel like giving my teacher a wedgie.
But too bad maybe he wouldn't be wearing anything under?
But tell you what tomorrow's gonna be diff.It's gonna be fun.

Hiding,perhaps? nah find me and do what you have do,pls.
don't make me do stuff.=)


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Uno tournament is super fun.
played with the gurls and sean.
sabo'ing everyone else and getting sabo'ed is kinda kewl.
was lol'ing the whole way.
and guess what.
we were playing at the Ulu canteen while it was supposed to be our engineering period!
returned back to class only 1 hour later.
its kinda cool to play and daidee with this ppl then to play with some of the rest.
Erm,dunno why but SOME of the malay guys don't really get uno.
Isn't it like the most easiest game ever?
And some people think they need to 'use brain' while playing this game!!

slacked till quite late today.
Reached home only at about 7.30pm.
So currently online UNO'ing with friend,gtg see ya.

just killed some ants on my desk.die,DIE!! muahahah

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ok.Time to blog.
Actually for the past few days i didn't blog due to the lack of interesting things in my life.
Its all so robotic and lame.But yesterday was different.
That why i do wanna blog now.
Ok,so yesterday was Internet App test,and boy how much i love stuff to do with the pc,and i aced it.
Here's the fun part.The class was split into two groups.I was group two and was along with Fukuan and the rest.And Fukuan had some cheats to the test,lol! As i would say,cheat while you can.=]
So i only ended up cheating a lil' bit.Gotta do by myself ok.hah.And suddenly class was poking fun at the teacher while all were doing the test.Fun! All of us made fun of his way of speech.the 2 o'cRock instead of 2 o' clock thing.So cheating abit with some laughs can be super fun.And both of us joked while writing the words from the given paper.Some restaurant reservation and food menu thingy.
Apple 'Flute' Punch is the sex.
Trained back home with Fukuan,zoan and Wai yei.
Damn sometimes i hate to see elderly or pregnant women on the train,everytime must pity them and give in the seats.And i can't stop pitying people.*sigh*
So tired yet, must anyways.
AND Engineering test on Thurs!
OMG sanjeev you don't know any crap about the test.
you don't even know and care what ohm's law is.
If only i did pay attention in classes including secondary school physics.
Ms uma...
Everytime i think about ohm's law and other physics stuff i picture ms uma's leg hair on my mind.grrr!

Saturday, June 7, 2008



The Weird,sleepy man

Bangla Singing National anthem



LP's 5th and last Video Single

Leave Out All The Rest

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Have you passed by Mas selamat's wanted poster and wonder..that the 4 photo mosaic thingy might be done by himself using photoshop?
poser?vain guy? maybe..

But what is his Pic doing outside clubs,e.g mos?
Do they think he might be clubbing inside?
I don't think so.
SO why?

BUT This are some WHAT IF's...

lets imagine..

Mas selamat if he were a bimbo?
a cam whore.
Calls himself a prince.
and tattoo his own pic on his body,Cause he thinks he's hot? maybe?
he is already v famous in why not?
he would be saying " aw god..i am LIKE TOTALLY famous,like hello,ew,policee like GO awayy"
with the bimbo accent..
a model?
he would strut his THANG on the runway.
imagine msk doing cartwheels for the camera
imagine he got eliminate
he would pack his things and say to the camera at the ending " erm,so what,i am like THE most talented babe on the runway,tyra,u WILL SEE ME,i would be more popular than u can even imagine,**** U tyra

and his presence in sg?
he makes a shoutout with his webcam.
" you guys ERrr *rolls eyes* i am like STILL here in sg!"

that is worth a throw up

And some of his possible nickname to avoid identity?
like his own movie?
The chronicles of mas selania?
His own band?
30 seconds to MAS?
how abt
4 Mins to Find Mas selamat?
MASonna Feat justin timberlake?
How abt Timberlands song remixed?
it goes.."Baby if you could strip your sarong you could get a tip,cause i like you just the way u are"
Rock band?

this enuf to disgust u?
pls find that A.hole,
he is getting too famous.