Sunday, August 31, 2008

Went over to cwp to get psp.Metallic blue looks phony so i got this instead.
since black was only for higher priced warranty which i won't be needing cause i was about to modify it anyways.heiz.NOW i need IPHONE.knn

Saturday, August 30, 2008

commenting abt someone to someelse erm,doesnt' really work at all.And somemore to someone you heardly noe wtf?
u are and always will be a fag.
Think u are kinda cool arh? but not so.
haha but u noe what?
talking about me seriously gives me the same idea..
gosh,i guess i would have to get back the ol' ways again.

HAAHAHHAHAHHAH lookee at yerself bahhzx/

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This following post took place between

Tuesday...Heavy rain.I woke up to see raindrops pelting against my room window,but..
Lets get to my post.
Anyways.. ya no school yet again.
This friday ;no school,haah! =)
Wanted to head to OC club to pool,but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And to make stuff worst,
mom "ordered" me to freakin' change all the light bulbs and stuff.
What am i? a freakin technician?
Ask me to change light bulbs in a stormy weather like this,what kinda mom is she!

after lift doors #@$#%,i found out my next big fear,
I dunno why,but its freaky,
Such a short t-rex with mittens as a pair of hands and the large face with super white teeth,
gotta share with u guys some vids found on youtube.go see dah! ror!

ditzy blonde? but poor thing uh.

rofl,even m.shinoda saw this in his webby.numb(indon version)

jimmy kimmel,


Saturday, August 23, 2008

hey,ho! =}

currently learning My Curse By Killswitch Engage on the guitar,
hafta say, its hard =(.
There are some songs where the intro's easy,
some songs where the intro's hard,
But this song,kinda weird cuz the tempo speeds up riff by riff,fuckk.
anyways of those who dunno of this song,hear it! Its awsome =P

hmm,met campus superwhore fu kuan and amer moments back @ cwp.
But omg,what the fuck happened to SATURDAY?!
why is it getting duller by the month,gosh.
or maybe i gotta sorethroat,but it doesnt make sense,
its raining,but the day is kinda wth.

Btw,did i write about my new guitar pick before?
haven taken a pic of it yet,will do soon,
its an ZOSO pick specially from LED ZEP.
Piano,now guitar ,soon,drums perhaps..
hoping to learn new musical instruments before 21..

*learned new word;"Chop On" rofls*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hey yall =)
yeah so ,it was my bday on last mon.haha yea and thks fer the wishes guys..
it WAS on a monday rather..but anyways had school and mon's the longest day of the week.
finished @ 6plus i guess =(
anyways 19 wasn't a big hoo yeah postpond'd to tuesday.
yeah cause every tue is an holiday for our class and all ,so yea..
Planning went abit effed up,cause of other peep's commitments and stuff but still went out with the clique; amer,fu kuan and sean where there.I got nth to lose anyways,i wasn't so hyped or shyte for the celeb cause din really wanna spent alot..
already got about $260 or sumfink? i dunno..must be ard there..
saving fer somefink =P

so yeah only 4 of us only yesterday but its alright still had fun with the rest.Met fu kuan and amer @ cwp and headed to northpoint to meet sean "queenston"
Had thai seafood =)
yeah HOTPLATE BEANCURD too..which mofo wouldn't order HOT PLATE BEANCURD...!!
so yeah..and then headed to Orchid Country Club to pool.
haha i must say i am better than before.
trying to learn the trickshots and stuff.
& then went up to th bowling alley to slack.
but of course fu kuan was a pro bowler,but he din play.
and so cig breaked and then headed back to northpoint,aka the big mall with absolute nothing.
Fu kuan left first at 7 while sean and amer and i were timezoning' and later went to Macs fer dinner
left back home @ abt 9...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

yup,alvin killed him.
wonder hw the camera got there though.. hmm
yeah so rudy called and we have not like freakin' chatted for millions of years.
5 hours wasn't even to chat..
Updated each other with the stuff thats going on our lives...laughin our butts off.
fuckin comedy duo?
well its not in our passion to be one anyways..
gg for my BTT course in 2months time..yaa..wasted shud have done sooner but
i got a whole lotta stuff going ard in my life nw..need to get so many stuff.
and rudy's taking his BTT's too,so a coincidence here..
Woah and like everyones wishing me for my birthday today,lols.
its tmr u guys thanks for the wishes anyways..
not celebrating tmr but tuesday instead,seafood plus vodka party.WOOHOO!
ok,i needa go off now meeting esh.
Through adversity, there is redemption
With passion, fighting,
I am, unbroken!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

haha.guess what?
Its bala's bday today?
18 already someone!!
u noe what.." ur hairstyle really nice daaah."
one of his latest quotes.But i dun really see him much nw anymore.
Wonder where he would do his bday party..

yeah ,so classes started @ 8:30am 2day.
was late but leow dinch care much.
So during class we all played cs @ the lab =)
so after school headed to TM(tampines mall)
with the clique.
have lunch there,lunch was a joke.
and headed to the ARCADE!!
Friday rox mannzx
slacked ard and later headed to sean's house with the whole bunch to play ps3 heheh
ok feeling tad bit sleepy
chauzx =]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ode' to fugly mcqueen

haha hope u fuckin' enjoyed the flurries of msgs that i send ya.
ya i am still bloggin yeahhh why not..
at least i dun post pure farking lies of my life or everything huh?
u shud show the msgs to ur frens maybe?
Trash talking against me never worked.Guy,bitching i would find him straight away and we'll talk.
gurls,never happened before,and still never did.haha
not even in this sentence,and thats all i am saying hahah
catch my drift?

u are the most low lifed piece of garbage i have ever seen.Just one look and u would noe that i just cant get over the nauseas feeling.I din even call u straight out of true purpose rite? only u would " call me back,call me back ,call me back" u can see that all my frens that u noe of din even wanna "opps" meet u right after that time.Oh and remember after that day we "made" its met dumbfark, remember the day we met i din even post a single fuck abt what happened that day and i am sure u would noe why i would not do so.That day was a major turn off..thks to u..thk god we ditched u..Aww sorry for hurting ur feelings.
aww u started it.
oh Even being bothered to check ppl blog and reading what they really mean and also trying to use a farkin' magnifying glass to look into the details and everythang huh?

and i still can fuckin stand on one leg to prove that i din talk abt ur lowly garbaged selfs..
Since u started it..i aint turning back.
u think like u are some freakin warthog princess and NO ONE CAN SAY STUFF abt u? yea i noe its true..but din i see u fuckin blog post abt me?
so go ,break all the mirrors under ur roof..before they do the same to themselves..yeaa it sure can,when u walk past it..
and i am sure everyone who knows me and you would buy what i have said.
uh..and i thought the least god could do was to "gift" u with the power of trashtalking..but i am AFRAID he/she let u down on that too.
soooo,yeaaaa..pretty much gameover for u i guess.
fugly biatch
Go and drool over ur reality.and not the opposite.

and abt me,
yea ..i noe i'm chubby.aint that what i tell to almost everyone?
did i tell u i am abt some kinda freakin size 2 no?
& HELLo the old nick "chubbyboi"
wasn't just given to me by being a pretentious guy?
i got the phats to downgrade my personality?
i dun think so,still i have one big fucking goodlooking face rite?
no some eyeliner and dark lipsticks that makes me look like somekinda drag arh shalania?
pls dun talk abt looks and personality with me..sorry to hurt ur feeling but i freaking hang ard with ppl with what u call charm and charisma..
Put ur personality to rest.
wait its already down.
first close ur mf'ing blog u piece of fat drag fuck.
u disgrace anyone in ur path i guess.but i guess they just brush it off aside? i dunno..

I would see now that u would obviously read my post and with the I.Y.F look..just wanna try to make a quick lameass comeback back in ur blog post.haha
it will be less obvious nw since i am said it.
Go ahead,u are the only one who reads ur blog anyways.
i shall just brush u aside..

sanjeev kapur rules.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

haha,i cant effing believe u too got back together!
and u even made another blog.
and u got a new nick? woah
and u even chat with *******?

u guys make a good sidekick,u noe?
fending off diff ppl from each other's blogs?
u both are like the fuckin superHero duo,
Fatman and Ribbon.

u noe whats more fuckin ironic?
u are one fugly indian, and u state that u are one of those " indians are yucky" labelling ppl.
Its ok to hate indians,but the nonscensical part is that u at the other hand,are a mf'ing indian!
like wtf? thats puking funny.
its just like a random person walks in a wedding that he/she has no damn idea whose it is and sits in the reception say "oh i cannot sit arh?"

aint it pretty obvious?

its like what they say,"even africans have their own races"

Sunday, August 10, 2008

so,okay..i wanna talk abt something that really pisses me off..
"beng" skinnies.

but before that, alvinjit news alert for u,get the fuck outta my blog.thks.

But wait its nothing much.
I saw an old schoolmate parading in his skinny on one of his picture.
Guess what,i dun farking like him,and guess what,he was wearing green skinnies!!!!!!?
You a clown?
why the fuck try to be funny and wear green skinnies?
or even red,purple?|
oh wait its called "tapered" for u ppl right?
and i am gonna kill myself if i see anyone wearing orange skinnies,seriously.
I dun care much abt the colors for gurls,but for and white.
either then this colors,red,purple and GREEN are pretty fucked up.Or maybe you guys are just retards?
i dunno,maybe?
They need to have like a fashion police or sumfink in sg.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

"But Still i want,
But still i ache.
But Still I Wait,
To see you again..."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

just came back.
went pooling with phil,vin and lisa.
Didn't touch my savings,so i was the cheap guy back there.
but besties understand so its not a big issue.
Secondly about school,about monday's dining etiquette.It was pale blue.Picture dining in school canteen ,dishes are : chicken chop with spaghetti and stale fries and mushroom soup that tastes like iron.No wonder ms april took 2 bucks for this.
Its worth lesser than that.
And other another thing is really on my nerves and seriously pissing me off right now,and the person might be reading this post even but i dun really care.And i took the person off my links' column.we WERE close,you might think we still are,but geez u getting on my nerves man.
leave me alone for a moment.i need to be alone for a while.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

talk abt a stay home saturday;
Mine's was worst.
Hiez,this past weekends,outing are very much avoided.
I feel very down.
All cause i have to save,like ALOT.
Probably will avoid outings next weekend too?
omg,can you stay home alone for a day?
Feeling isolated.
Saw re-runs of Prison Break over and over again.
The only time i "go" out is to slack with ol' friends at typical slacking paradise areas like RC,blk and stuff.
It is very wrong,its soo wrong.
Its either low budget or no budget.
sarcasm is helps.
Never met besties for 75 years.
hope next weeks the last.
After that gotta head town already rah.
I NEVER SEE MUMMY 3 YET!!!!!!!!!!@#$!@$$
WTF,What kinda fark fan am i.
I have been waiting abt 7 years for a sequel,and even thought its lame and in china and stuff...ITS still mummy 3...ARHHGHGH...cant take it anymore.

oh & anyways 2mr having lame dining etiquette test thingy.
munching part is alright with me,i am the only family member in the idiotic house that freakin' chews food with the mouth closed..the rest like hungry ghost peeps.