Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sighs.Bored and lonely this sunday afternoon.=(
I wanna go phishing with the company.I nvr fished before,except for the nostalgic using bucket to catch tiny fishes at the beach thingy.haha.classic.
Couple of projects on the way.Both,need to present in public.Class only of course..
Sean if you are reading this,Tuesday your place alright? You better wake up kay,Don't wake up 3pm again.
Anyways,project's due on coming Thursday,60% completion.Need to edit and finalize abit more.Lifeskills,sheesh,the most pointless module ever.Never include points for our GPA,teacher says "it will help us when you apply for jobs" and stuff.

I'll be getting an ipod pretty soon.Seriously won't advice anyone to buy creative anymore.Have been using this garbage for ages.Until the date and time settings keep resetting on its own.Probably the cmos is spoiled,rofls.There are times where i am glad i am learning multimedia.I start to learn so many cool stuff to do with the 'technology'.heeh.

Check Dis out :-

this guy's a nutter,look at his final presentation.made my day less gloomy.


Woke up ard 8:30am today.Super refreshed.The day before i slept like a log.I caught a flu on friday.Slept from 4pm all the way to the next day! Skipping all the meals ahead.Very,very sick.Until the word 'very' sounds like 'bery' when i say it out loud.haah.Feeling kinda better now.

La famiglia wants to go on a vacation road trip to m'sia next friday.I need a break.Seriously.
I can't finish this

Saturday, November 29, 2008

you have to click this link NOW!!
Time for one of his "fashion people" review post.
Go read the one on JUDE KELIAS .HAHAHAH.
He is an sg model contender,and he is gonna (try) to win you over.
Go read now!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

deepest thoughts,..

If only i could slow down time like maxpayne.
And get away from this fast ,ever changing world.
If only i could rewind back time like the prince of persia,
And put all the broken pieces back to one.
If only i could paint the future like isaac from heroes,
And look out for the bumpy roads coming up.

If only i could read your mind...
I am seriously considering going over to wordpress.Now that the pic pop-ups can actually be disabled.
Couple of my friends are already using wordpress.So should,i...?
Anyone else wanna use wordpress?
If so tell me pls.

Speaking of,it was eshwaran's birthday yesterday!
Where ever you are,lu take care ok,happy belated bday!
*your first bday in heaven*

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the main reason i bought in-ear ear piece is because of my parents.Yak Yak ,Nag,nag..gawd.somebody shut their speech holes.Can't a guy grow his freakin' hair? It's nearly getting to the way i want it and then it begins.I do hate my parents and other parent adults who nag about who you are..Now its how you style!
What do they think? its 1950s or 1960's? Its fucking way past the millenium!
And i do too hate ppl who say i have "emo" hair and mainly my dad for saying my hair looks like a "mop"?!
MOP?! wtf,you freakin come from a time where birdnest was a fashionable "in" thing.Seriously who the fark goes to a saloon to cut slopE? slope looks more worst than bala tap dancing naked!

Last weekend my dad said,"If you aren't gonna cut your hair,you are not going to the function".
Man i hate it when parents call the shots for you.Like predicting whats going to happen next,"You Are Not Going To Go"!
I prefered to stay at home and save my hair than to go to some lame function.Gosh,parents nag alot,but boy,do they have alot of things to fuss about.Hair,clothes,studies and everything else.But you see,its all connected to one thing they love talking about.Life.

The End Is Near...

...for the dateline of my project.Everyone is sorta working on their own research.I am supposed to go over to sean's to start on the text and stuff part of the slides.Should be using powerpoint i guess.Mine needs to be activated,stupid powerpoint 2007.Arguably, i have to say the backup pictures i took from my hp cam are kinda good.Not bad for a camera phone.I hate those project positions they give you,scribe,timekeeper,leader and maybe treasurer..and i end up being the timekeeper.I suck at organising anything,be it parties or any other types of gathering..but so much prefer my place then to the leader's,right sean? It so sucks to be the leader.hahaha..

GTG: jeev san ~~~

Sunday, November 23, 2008

ECW Vs Raw

Viewer Discretion Is Advised!

Whats cool about this video is the people clapping in the background.I would have done the same thing.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I hate paper shredders.It costs about 100 plus to own one? And to shred your paper? and in the end,it leaves tiny strips of paper or graffiti,and you would have to crush it and throw it away.Whaddafuck! Cant you just crush the paper and throw it yourselves? Yeah,yeah..doing the earth a favour by shredding paper? in the end all the rubbish are amalgamated together and burned.So,???

nuff said.
boy i do need this stuff sooner. =.0!

new ipod.
4 Gb ram.
guitar pick pendant chain.

Someone told me there's the last one in stock in peninsular.But there isn't any =(
not guitar pendant,only the pick.Should i drill a hole in my pick and make it myself?
sms your answer to

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wello,readers.Had a super long and tiring day today.Just came back a couple of minutes ago.Had MFDI phase test in the morning.As usual,i woke up early and left for school late.Cabbed to bedok.Costed me my days allowance!! Thank god i was only 5 mins late for the test.Had problems but got over it.Straight afters headed to dhoby ghaut with group members towards Fort Canning to finish up our field research .Some mofos were there.But i didn't care much,its a project work anyways,and i had to deal with the reality.Later after all the picture taking for the powerpoint slide presentation,we headed to funan it mall and had late lunch @ the kfc.The taco bell & pizzahut which was co-op'ed with the kfc all in one place was gone,kfc only remains.dang..

Let the pics do the talking;i heard it speaks a thousand words? maybeee.

tunnel of hope=emohmm,erotic.

Anti Christ Fries.
dunno wtf this is,but i like it
gates gnna close dude..
"there used to be this much of water here..."
wonder what's censored here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

School was as always.But today was kinda better.So few people turned up @ the last period.Peaceful.But we broke the silence.Everyone tried each other's best to irritate peter leow.We made pig squeals,monkey screech,purring and barking the end,peter just did his classic move by nodding his head and saying "haiii yahhh" which meant he gave up on us all.Haaha ;welcome to the jungle.
Ok and there was an abundance of peter's poor english today.Here are some of his flaws.

Heart Dry=Hard drive
Prug N pray=Plug and Play
No Patient=No patience
Bra-dy Crass=Bloody Class

Pics :)

Uhhhhhh! : jung xin aka Ginseng.nostalgic pose.

Sean plays every medium of the playstation,anywhere.

Legend Leow;holding the great slade of the mother,board.
Window Guy ~~
fuckin' projekt.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Went to dinner @ holiday inn @ cavernaugh rd.
North indian mam mam.
Not that yummy.
It was my distant relatives's 60th birthday.
Lame event.
And omg,met Walter simon there.Haha,its been too long,like 2years plus? since i last saw him.
He was with his other friends who offered me a drink and stuff.I politely said no to beer.lmao.
Chatted up for awhile,and he is an firefighter now! kewl.
Headed back home soon after,effing tired already.

A super long monday.Got the monday blues?
Yes for me.Haha.Had freakin 2 long hours of break.
Was super anti-social,cause i was hooked on the psp the whole day.
I need to collect my cert soon.

Meeting rudy feroz later perhaps.I don't wanna go back to old school alone..
Gosh,i need to get like fired up.Super gloomy.Someone spare me some marijuana?

ok,put aside that i'm an bad photographer,but this fountain with the light thingy isn't photogenic.
Looks much better up close.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Somethings wrong with friendster so i have no choice but to paste this here.


1.The person who tagged you is?


2.Your relationship with him/her?

bloghopping stranger.

3.Your 5 impressions of them.


4.The most memorable thing he/she had done for you

what the..i don't even know her...?

5.The most memorable thing they had said to you?

......give up...

7.If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?

haha,no thanks & and no idea.

8.If they become your enemy, you will?

Why should i care if she is my enemy,i don't even know her...

10.What do you feel like doing now?

eat @ baskin robbins.And And, play tennis with lim liao beh!

11.Your overall impression of politics is?

I dun really care about politics,but as soon as we get a non-chinese pm for our country ,then it would be nice.And no one else from "his" family please.

12.How do you think ppl around you will feel around you?

I'll tell you as soon as i become a mindreader.

13.The characters you love of yourself are?

i like to break the tension and be random.

14.On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?

impatient,stupid and clumsy.

15.The most ideal person you want to be is?

I'm happy with whom I am.(ignore above)

16.For people that care and like you, say something to them

Thank you guys,you know,without your support,i wouldn't have gotten this award..It's cause you guys..Know what give a round of applause to you to thank my mom,dad.....

17. 10 people in your mind now.(they don't have to be your friends)

1. Rudy

2. Alvin

3. Fukuan

4. Sean

5. Shah

6. Jocelyn

7. Tiven

8. Amer

9. kokila the chindian girl

10. BALA!!

Who is no. 6 having relationship with?

[Jocelyn] No idea.

Is no. 9 a male or female?

[kokila] Female.

If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?

[Tiven And Bala]AHAHHAHA obviously,he noes bala and boom and boom,no human would like bala.
So yeah,its a BAD thing.

What is no. 2 studying about?

[Alvin] same as mine.Multimedia technology.

What was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?

[Fukuan] Yesterday.

What kind of music band does no. 8 like?

[Amer] haha he loves metal,his fav band is a7x.hmmm typical.

Does no. 1 have any siblings?

[Rudy] Erm..can say,step sis.

Will you woo no. 3?

[Fukuan] LOL, no.

How about 7?

[Tiven] NOPE.

Is no. 4 single?

[Sean] yes.but of course...

What is the surname of no. 5?

[Shah] nt sure, Shahruddin idea..

What is a hobby of no. 10?

until he sweats and smells.

Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?

[Shah & Kokila] I bet they don't even know each other?

Where is no. 2 studying at?

[Alvin] ite bedok.

Talk about something for no. 1

[Rudy] Good friend,good times.

Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?

[Amer] Hell no.

Where does no. 9 live?

[Kokila] In the East I guess?

What colour does no. 4 like?

[Sean] Confirm camo colors.hint hint*

Are no. 1 and 5 best friends?

[Rudy & Shah] look alikes,but don't know each other.

Does no. 1 have any pets?

[Rudy] He used to have a kitten i guess called Rug or something.Now he calls his "pets" bitches.christ..

Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?

[Tiven] He thinks he is...haha

What is no. 10 doing now?

[Bala] no idea,prolly flirting indian girls and playing soccer,cb!

Friday, November 14, 2008

weirdest post

Phew.School ended like fucking super early.The Teachers this week are taking Offs when they feel like it.
Last week peter's excuse was sore eyes.What about this week? sore balls?
Even though it ended fast,i felt ultra sleepy.It's like when you lie down on the bed,you can't get to sleep or you suddenly don't want to.why? I sure as hell don't know.

And now, i start to worry and also feel super angry at the same time. Eyeing and wanting stuff but i couldn't get it cause,for one; school;two, sudden lack of cash.

Seriously can't wait for holidays man.I gnna needa job.Ever since i turned 18,mom doesn't give a good allowance.Now she hesitates to give me even 50 bucks ,somemore per month.Very cruel.

December 13,i need you.=P

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good day dudes/dudettes.
Actually its already night
Wokay,just came back.
Went over to Sean's house with Shah and Amer @ Tampines.
Sole purpose,research stuff on the war history of singapore.
Outcome,got carried away playing Guitar Hero:World Tour,awesome game.
Didn't really have the songs i thought of/wanted,but was sweet anyways.Just loved Ted Nugent's Stranglehold.
Me and Amer kept playing that 8 min plus song over and over.The Solos were motherfucking' fun.BUT 8MINS!! My fingers are kinda twisted now,lol.Plus the addition of drums and mic parts were there.No one liked vocal parts,so we disowned it.rofls.The drums are like made of rubber,dude..the symbols and the bass pedals are a joke.Doesn't sound nice when you play it,and the single pedal,hahaha.In the end,like everyone else who meet up to do "project" or "research" somewhere,we didn't do anything much,instead we had our trusty WIKI! El Oh El!
Later headed down to a nearby S-11 to have our dinner.Oh the horfun there was freakin orgasmic.

When over to Library to waltz around,after that headed to sunplaza park.

Shah: Let's head to sunplaza.
Me: Wtf,its at... why you wanna go till there?
Shah: huh?
Me: Its at sembawang sia..
Shah: No,just across the road.
Crosses the road& sees the nearby signboard.
Me: =.=!...

Why name it sunplaza park? #$!$@! if its at tampines? confusion rises..

Turns out the park was super fun.We went back 10 years to the past,played swing and the flying fox thingy.Hella fun!! Crapped around about some crappy people in our lives.Then parted ways after an hour or so.Left with Amer .Otw back,saw this disgusting guy,rolling on the floor and laughing and scolding passerbys.Just one look,typical drunk asshole.I know of the word rofl,but this was the first time i actually saw a person do that in real life.Prolly the single most exciting day of the year,for me...Phew.Except that drunk bastard.

Uber tired,gonna hit the dusty trail.
Cheerios Amigos.=]


Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey, yesterday,our day's lesson was MFDI,the photoshop crap.Ended at about 12pm or so.Me and a couple of class peeps stayed back after school.There was this carnival thing going around in town called Breathe @ Padang.Full of teen stuff.I don't really enjoy carnival stuff,so was everyone else.There was a catch however,go to the carnival and "show our faces" and we get 4 weeks off school s&w(pe) lessons.Which means can sleep longer cause school starts 12pm every monday then.Woots.Had some delays waiting for the darn school bus.Not really 'magic'.Cause it turned up an hour late.baskett.To make matters worst,the bus,being a 40 seater plus the population of 3 classes equals to not good.So our class had to do the fucked up thing and take public transport to padang ourselves.And the Bedok sun wasn't friendly to us.

So we showed our faces @ the padang carnival for awhile.Was super boring to make matters worst,sean went missing.To locate free drinks.After that however all was well,faiz went on the mechanical rodeo bull thingy.
While he turn came however,the people managing that ride said was about to say "times out"
Poor Faiz begged them to let him try.Man was he desperate.And after awhile they let
Our class cheered him on.And guess what,he was prolly the only person who din fall off the bull till the ride was over.Plus he was the last person to ride that bull.Even the random lot who watched him cheered him.He did some stunts too.I got the video ,will upload on youtube soon.

Breathe had fiona xie and blah blah as hosts.
lame.Also the couple who call one another mutton or chicken on some ray-dee-oh station were emcees as well.No one bothered.Beside the lameass rides and games,it was quite alright cause of the class peeps beside.
Slacked awhile @ esplanade and later i headed back.

gosh,needa head over to fort canning park 2moro.To do the world war project thingy.
And i need to get new shoes.
And i need to bathe now.
Cheerios Amigos.

P.S (P) : This post was done in haste.any convinience is

Thursday, November 6, 2008

*sighs* Another boring day,Yet another one this week.Good thing was that school started at 12pm today.So slept like a log.Woke up and immediately went searching for something.And i forgot,i didn't buy a pack.I HAVE NOT BOUGHT A PACK FOR 5 WEEKS!@$@##E!#R(S*ED@+_!
You know thats kinda amazing for some,who can't last a day,let alone an hour w/o it.Call it Rechargable Battery,call it vapour,call it Pack of cancer..its still the same.And i guess i should be thankful for not touching my expenses to buy one.I joined the anti-cigarettes campaign thingy.At first i felt like a moron for doing so,but hehs i'm doing good,no?

Peter's class was the only one today,had practical,ya know,opening the chassis,and prying out all those parts inside the cpu.And jesus,the practical cpu units they offer in bedok campus,sucks ultra much.Pc brands like Ranger,Ast, hello? all these brands are dead? pretty much buried six feet under.WAIT WAIT!!..
AST?!!! must've been a singapore made garbage.*Cough coughs*

And the computer peripherals must've been bought in an roadshow or something,seriously,roadshow I.T equipments suck major badly.I would think twice to even get a thumbdrive.If you don't already know,ask your friends or anyone who purchased something off an roadshow.To put it in words,its something that is "there" for a few months.Luckily i talked my friend outta purchasing a laptop at an roadshow thingy.Oh and did i mention,roadshow items are like 345,000 years back editions.You prolly will get a laptop that's model is super duper old.

phew,covered a blog and rants altogether.i will run out of the room now and go to my balcony and look at the night sky

P.S (3) : i got a new phone and will start uploading pics from now on.cheerios amigos.

If you haven't already seen this, get ready to laugh to death,or at least to the hospital.
The same guy who sang Indian Thriller.And the same guy who acted.Oh and not to forget,VOLGA!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Arms Of Sorrow

Imprisoned inside this mind
Hiding behind the empty smiles
So simple (the anguish)
As it haunts me
Crawling back into the dark

Running, always running, into the distance
Stop me before I bleed, again
The echoes of my voice
Follow me down
The shadows I cast
Follow me down

Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow
Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow

There must be serenity

The echoes of my voice
Follow me down
The shadows I cast
Follow me down

Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow
Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow

The demon of my own design
This horror must not remain

Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow
Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow

There must be serenity

There must be deliverance

Deeper I'm falling

Blindly descending...

And i can't get enough of this song,even though most of the words are repetitive,the song has a deep meaning,i guess..i like it very much though..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Am Super bored.That i even waited for the 12pm 1st day of the month chime thingy.I cleaned up my room..I played around with my wifi router.Plugging in and out..Went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water...staring out the kitchen window,seeing people hanging their clothes out to dry...Hearing the birds chirping... Wtf is wrong with me?so bored that i even played around with Ps...*sigh*
"..And we finally find who the real colonel is.."

name of game in picture:Metal Gear Solid