Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Had quite a lot of fun today.Met rudy who is currently on the new persona;brad.Learned like ALOT of things today.I found out that he is in the sales/product marketing "firm".I don't blame him,with his whole personal life/family conflicts and all.Met with two new peeps.A guy and a girl,can't remember their names,but they were really nice people.All of us like gathered around at vistapark. (Quote,unquote the biggest slacking area in woodlands)The motive was "strictly business" and i was interested in this marketing firm thingy.Imagine me a salesman,wearing tie and carrying a suitcase,BUT SERIOUSLY,moving on,after that and all,we part ways with the couple and met up with rayyan.Good times.Went thru rayyan's phone and found all those 'school days' pictures taken with many of those we knew.Seriously miss alot of them.=(

Funniest thing today was rayyan's sis who was with the couple.rudy was like trying to talk business and all,and she,after staring at him for a few mins retorted " ..ok,so whats the moral of the story?" i rofdfw out loud.Later we went around vandalising stuff.Using a air gun to shoot out the lights at the void deck.Super fun.

ok..for my new years resolution, wish the year'09 would be less kinkier than the last.And that i don't wanna mean no harm to anyone even animals.I had already fucked up this year's resolution if you could remember,i said i would quit certain stuff.Which i din.
It would be cool if all those in my blog contacts or any bloghoppers,pls write a post on your own new years resolution.Its fun i guess.And oh,before i leave,

Friday, December 26, 2008

you sir,are clueless.

ok i'm seriously lost in choice here.I feel like moving over to wordpress.But i'm sorta worried about the interface and shyte.bahh..and i wanna change my url.kind of getting sick and tired of slushiemonkey.'cause seriously lotta creeps do not know what it truely means,its not like i'm trying to be a monkey.Ok first up define 'monkey'.i mean like according to wikipedia(lol),in terms of relations to humans,its mischief and quick-wittedness are one of the few characteristics which connects us and them.Mind you i only wiki'ed the last sentence for reference,wiki is handy,vote wiki.Ok Technically,each and everyone of us are, (erhem) monkeys.Only thing is that we are sorta like the 7th generation of what ps3 is in the technological world.

What about slushie? I do not need to stress further for examples,"its that god damn slurpee you buy from 7-eleven!".Its cool and blended with a couple of shyte.Overall ,'slushiemonkey', means ;not a simple and more than average dude just going about in this world.Gawd i just made the url name up for sheer boredom out of randomness and it had a true sophisticated definition to it! i'm sorta surprised.

The funniest thing however is that i am gonna change it soon,lol.Let me try out wordpress and maybe after some recommendations,jump OVER.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

sleazy aerobics

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

click on the pic to see clearer;no offence to anyone :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

I will be waiting right here
Only to roam
When the bells chime like there is no tomorrow
(and you're gonna take me home)
Never gonna ever gonna belong to another, no
Never gonna ever gonna belong to another, no

Leave me alone I am not an angel yet

"My candle shines at night time through the dawn
But my darling you have fallen and don't belong (and I can't carry on)
My candle shines without a doubt
But the wind in your wings blows them out
And for my arms it is too late
And your wings are gonna have to wait"

[ps.wait for the starting chorus.the singers voice is super]

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dad bought subway sandwiches,sushies and dr pepper lol.Not working this holidays make me lazier.Maybe next holidays in 3 months time? forget to catch 05 on starhub tomorrow,the show's episode i was part of is finally premiering.Catch it if you want,dont worry there's subtitles,i gotta understand thru the subs myself.10:30pm,horror drama.Seeing the show in a different perspective is kinda fun,for me. =P

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sean Got Stoned.

I just dont know how to put this but,Mas Selamat is the sex.He played hide and seek and they still can't find him! lol!oookay pointless.
Sean's BDay,headed to Tampines to meet up with the clique,together with the bday boy himself(ew thought of writing 'boi'!! eww,typical...)Cabbed to City Hall to meet up with Fukuan.Went to R.C mall and had MOS burger for our lunch.Poor customer service,none of the cashier/waiters were japanese,hmph,heeh.Slacked awhile and after that went to the arcade for some action.Its been decades since th last time i went sia.
the arcade token,someday it will get extinct and i am gonna be rich.

Slacked some more after that,thinking of what to do next,and we decided to hit the booze.
Alvin recommended we hit the rooftops of Raffles city mall as a fine place to drink.
Turned out to be an Epic place.The Breeze and the Booze.Vodka it was and we crapped around much,with much heavy drinking.Turned out birthday boy nearly scared out to death.We thought he died,'Cause normally ppl won't have fits after getting drunk.Lol,happy birthday sean.haha.Unfortunately he didn't die and it was already super later,as i said before the rooftops was Epic and the night sky with the wind was hardcore,and an MUST GO SLACK hangout,lookout for it,yeah?

Decided to head back but i forgot to get my new shoes,AGAIN!it was already late,but i needed to so bad.Stoned sean and whacked up waihei cabbed back home after dropping us @ plaza sing,the shops were closed.*shakes head and burps*hahah,
Overall the day was enjoyable succeeded by sean's stonage.Nights all =]
smokin' in the boy's room =P
*minor edits due to hangover*

Monday, December 15, 2008

Q. If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?
A. psp.

Q. What do you admire most in the world?
A. those ppl who founded major stuff way ahead,and left the future with nothing really important to invent.

Q. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
A. long time back,when i used to play soccer.It was raining pussy's and bitches and we were practically playing in the field mud,the whole team including myself when back home covered in mud top to bottom,yeah...even had to take the buses,& they

Q. In your mind, what is your greatest achievement?
A. i'm immune to mum's nags nw,plus i make decisions nw that don't fuck up everytime.

Q. If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
A. only travel back ah? oook,guess i would travel back to the ancient times of egypt and persia.Or would just be contented with 1930s la cosa nostra times of little italy.Too much?

Q. What is your favourite movie?
A. scarface.

Q. Tell us about your life...
A. short times of happiness to cherish,longer days of hardship without gain.
but i'm happy with who i am basically.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

sorethroat is back in town.
And its getting worser day by day.
Its like you suck in your blow dart,whoops,instead of blowing it.
very ,very...terrible.

tests have ended,holidays have started,time to party.I got only 75% for my MFDI test,nt bad but its a 'B' not a 'A'.But its alright.Anyways i especially can't wait for new year countdown,slack by the river again,watch the fireworks.Next holidays i'm flying off to canada yaay! dad planned for us to leave this month,but it was too late and my holidays only started yesterday,but ITS OKKAYY i can wait for 3 more monthsss ,allriiightzxz.I wanna meet MAPLE LEAF KNAC-KERs... (;

i nearly died in laughter watching this.

til' next time,cheerios.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

life and times of darth vader.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

just for gags

All right,leave my yoda impressions behind but,i had just started to wonder,how it would be like if peter leow(my class advisor/i.t lecturer) was to be in star wars for moment.And he really fit the picture well,literally.



Yoda Leow!!
Quick Updates:
will start with Thurday nyea..One of the worst day of my life.Early morning,first period;Lifeskills.PROJECT DATELINE!#$# I had scotch taped my freakin eyes to stay up to complete the ppt slides.And i totally forgot about the i.t test.2 "tests" in a day.Just darn fantastic!
Shahhahaha rudin went nuts.He introduced our grp member like- " I am sharudin and this are my bloody friends"
He seriously went berserk.Teacher's face was like 0.0!
Then he mispronounced " Ancestral" to ancess...acess,anss...then followed by a " WAH COCK UP LA"
And he hit his head on the whiteboard jokingly,but it didn't seem that way from our point of view.Shah seriously went nuts.

Scene #02
After the whole tough day we had in school,and after all those test and work..shah,amer,sean,waihei and i headed to macs for lunch,and laughed about what happened to shah,he himself was giggling,
SUDDENLY a fight broke out in macs...
2 Drags verbally argued with the macs assistant manager and all hell broke loose.And wait,did i tell you that the drag looks like a freakin rosie o' donald with micheal jackson's face?Like he or she or whatever fuck that was,its just wrong!! Prolly an effing Pre Op,cause omg,if thats post op,you should just die.Seriously the ugliest drag in sg.PERIOD.Argue with the manager for staring,like wtf..then he/she pointed an umbrella at the manager guy and " Eh,i want to talk to a singaporean okayy! you are nooot singaporean,you GET OUT..thats it i am calling my friends" that would put chef wan to shame.URGHH.fugly with a capital F.U.

Parents are like freakin not in this country anymore ler,time to party.Hope someone wires a creditcard,so i could maybe install an aircon in the bathrooms? kinky.Either than that,school day was lame.

Omg another thing,have you guys watched Pee Wee's World before?
Oh,thats the most insane children's show on earth,that its scary.A technically retarded middle aged man ,talking to household objects?..seriously,he must have been high on crack.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Kinda peaceful day today.Sorta made new friends today.Haha.And Jun Xing "Ginseng",was in his ultra looney performance today.Wtf,do you know of anyone who still uses a cassette player?And a bloody teen somemore.
Seriously,"Uhh ,i still watch the old tcs 80's dramas horrr" I felt very bad today,i told ginseng to straight to his face,"Shut the fuck uppp!!" lols.He deserves it.

Oh and btw,thank *** ,i am nt pennyless,strapped... Shit all words sound so wrong.-.-!
okok...I am not broke anymore.yayy *a moment of sarcastic applause*
Now i could sorta get all that i want.Prada Infusion is on the list right now,gtg sample it first,is it nice?

Online class test is coming up this thursday,gotta mug like fuck.Worst thing is that the pc peripherals and os topics are on windows 98.Seriously,whoda fuck uses windows 98 noW??
I mean,COME ONNN!!
Why not on Vista or something? Bet everyone with windows are using vista,its 2008!

Ok,gtg catch heroes.

Joke Of the Decade:
What did the dog say to the tree?