Monday, March 23, 2009

Headed so much places,these few days.
This is why i love holidays much.
Totally a 'non-robotic' life.
Had much fun anyways.
Sunday went to Bugis with Rudy Feroz to get my new pair of shoes.
And today,headed to BBDC with rudy and vikknesan for rudy's final prac.
He aced it,congrats for him.Next is me.Soon.
Dad already said he is gonna pay full for my total pracs.Woohoo.
Oh and my feet's trying to be funny.I keep spraining it every 15 mins.
You know what's random?


Totem Pole;lol

Saturday, March 21, 2009

its been too long.

First off;- ALRIIIIGHT.Cause its the holidays,=O
kay lemme just cut to the main event of this week.

[Monday Night]
Trained to City hall to meet up with sean,had quick 'dinner' @ bk while waiting for the bestie hoarde to arrive.

It was Alvin's 18th bday,and we have been planning for this outing for weeks before,hahaha.Well, things didn't go so well at first; being alvin the bday boy himself losing his wallet on the train.But that didn't stop our pubbing outing.So after few mins of grief and regret(for alvin),just decided that nothing'll rain on our parade.
Trained to Clark Quay and walked to a pub called Martins Entertainment.2nd appearance there,gosh and they had really revamped the place! kewl.Had couple of shots and s
lacked.Some pool'ed,i couldn't cause i saw two 8 balls,so 16 ball i guess? hmm..

Pretty darn good day,'night' rather,lol.Headed back ard 3am,sucks ain't it ,but i had promised a friend out the next day so yeah,headed back home early.Cabbed back home.

From tuesday night onwards,the days were just spent with rudy ,slacking around void deck and parks ,typical.hahah.He stayed over almost everyday.Man i gotta stop slacking ard too often,start to become a lowlife? but isnt it holidays?

pics leh deyyy.
more pics to come,ZOANN!! UPLOADDD!@$!@$!@$
Mas selamat; sean

Sunday, March 8, 2009


It's sunday.Rudy stayed over from yesterday night up till this morning.Fried chicken nuggets and all sorts of stuff.Even ordered fries from macs.haha,the look on the face of the delivery guy;priceless.Come all the way just to deliver
This afternoon i tried to make shepards pie.but failed big time.ok,cooking isn't quite my forte,the dish looked so unappealing i shan't even show how it looked like.

Didn't have any major plans for the whole weekend.Tomorrow's the last week of the school term,so yeah,EXAMS!.Wed & Thurs.Mugging like crazy.I need a 4 pointer badly.And i need a brand new hp!.
I should stick to touchscreen's next.Anyways,i just can't fucking wait for the end of the exams.I am gonna drown in party mode after that.=] Already 4 outings are planned for the holidays,can't wait.Must drink like shyte,most importantly must party like shyte(did i already say that just now?)
gtg,blog soon,rock on ppl.\m/

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello again,fleabags.
I hadn't any lessons and nothing much happened in my life today
so i'll start about what happened the day before.

Leow lessons,quirky engrish and stuff like that,
after school headed over to amkhub and to Nebo.
Good food and all and typical clubbing music.=]
Had Fish & Wedges,drooling over the nacho cheese over wedges.
Slacked and headed back.
That's all.have fun.bye.*ends abruptly*

Rangers! morph!
nabei city